Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nagi Gompa

We are going to miss Natasha when she leaves. Natasha works with HI. I am taking over her job when she leaves on Wednesday; well, officially I will take it over in January but as she is leaving this week I will assume some of the responsibilities while still doing my current job. Tash has been a good friend and toddler carrier since we arrived. She hasn't hesitated to walk with us up and down hills, to the European Bakery, through Thamel during Tihar, and she even did more than her share of vomit cleanup during that holiday.

Today (Sunday) Toby, Noa, Natasha, Bjorn and I walked north from her house to Budanilkantha and beyond, into Shivapuri National Park. Apparently there are leopards there but we didn't see any. We climbed up to Nagi Gompa, a Buddhist monastery and retreat where we had a picnic lunch watching the sun finally fight its way through the clouds. We walked down through the forest and onto a ridge to the east of the city, then down into residential areas and back to the main road. It felt good to move and to breathe fresh air. I felt ready to head back into the office for Monday.

The weather is definitely getting colder here. This morning I poked my nose out from under the covers and felt the different temperature. And the butter just isn't soft in the morning now. Toby and Noa don't seem to notice the cold but today I saw goosebumps on Toby's legs as we were walking. In the midday sun it might still reach 20 C but evenings require fleece. I understand that we will hold meetings outside in the winter because it is warmer than inside, and I can already imagine that: my office doesn't get a lot of sun and my fingers become quite cold when I sit for while at the computer.

I will keep this short as I am never sure how long the internet connection will last. Hope you are all well. Love Chris, Toby and Noa


Phil Snider said...

Hi Chris,

Enjoying your blog & the great pictures. Wow, the kids are growing fast! Sounds like interesting work & an interesting country. And what a great house!

We are well. This has been a busy month - I graduated Nov. 8 (my mom came for the occasion) and I threw a big party to celebrate Nov. 16, Phil had report cards, his performance evaluation, and parent-teacher interviews, I'm busily preparing my course on theology and ecology (to be offered in January/February), and just finished baking a cake for Ian's 2nd birthday party tomorrow (his b'day is actually Monday).

Last night Peter Mah came over for dinner & we had a good visit. I am ashamed to admit he had to remind me about your blog address (You probably told me in summer when I had thesis on the brain!) But now I will be checking regularly!

All the best to you & the kids,
Elin, Phil & Ian

Phil Snider said...

hey Chris, seems I can't leave a msg under my own name since I don't have a blog nor AIM or similar, so I used Phil's Blogger ID - that's why my comment is coming up under his name.

I think there is a way to enable ordinary mortals to leave comments but I'm not quite sure how.
